Bill Bryson - The Lost Continent

I loved it! Having travelled a bit in the USA myself - I visited 26 States, so more than half - I recognised quite a lot. Some experiences are for everybody who travels in the States, I think, some are not. I clearly remember the one time in Florida where we went downhill, behind a bush was a bit hidden a sign "3o". Behind the next bush was a patrol car. The police man had sunglasses, the reflecting type you always see in films, and we had to pay a big fine for speeding. (7 miles over the limit.) I also remember Mount Rushmore where my sister and I were sitting at a table near some Dutch women who were make lewd comments about how people looked and how stupid Americans were. Especially the people close to them. (Meaning us; we were talking in English because of my brother in law, who is an American.) When we left we wished them "Een hele fijne dag". One woman almost got killed by her coffee, the other just by coughing. It made our day. All in all a lovely book, one ...