Kacey Kells - Kellcey


It took me some time to find the courage to read "Kellcey". What I expected, happened; it really hit a raw nerve. There were times I could not read on, wanted to skip parts. I did not do that, forced myself to go on and I'm glad I read it all. It must have taken so much courage and perseverance to write this.
It's the autobiographical story of a girl/young woman who has it all, looses it all in a horrible way and her struggle to find the strength to carry on. After I finished reading I think the most important aspect of the book is the way up, the fighting back to the light from the darkness of her hell.
Somehow for me it feels like there should be one or more chapters added, maybe that would give this reader an even better feeling. My heart cries out for a happy ending and I have to say that my sense of justice has definitely been hurt.
Even when there is a great need for an editor to remove all the typos that slipped in - can printer Amazon be blamed for this? - and that the book might not be a literary master piece, I have no hesitation at all to give it 5 stars.


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