Michelle Torez - Poems About Love And Other Dangerous Things

Just finished the book and I need to express my feelings about it. It is not a book for people who like flowery words and romantic stories. It is raw and direct.

For full disclosure, I was sent a copy of this book by the author for a fair and honest review.

After receiving it and having a quick look, it seemed quite dark and gloomy. When I picked it up again and started reading, I had the idea of reading a little bit every following day. My plan didn't work, I just had to read on.

The book consists of poetry, art work made by the author herself which emphasises the meaning of the words and a few more or less short pieces of prose which describes moods and situations.

I am not an expert on poetry, but do know a bit about structure. Michelle Torez uses interrupted rhyme for her verses, which vary in length. 

But poetry is more about feeling than structure to me. I felt the fear of letting oneself in for relations. In doing so you need to let go of protecting walls, making yourself vulnerable. But what if the old wounds are still open; the hurt will come fast, unhindered and maybe even be more painful than before.

This all sounds quite desperate and hopeless, but to me the whole book gave a different feeling. Even with precautional thoughts in it that almost showed defaitism, I sensed a glimmer of hope. A little flicker of positivity. 

This gave me a better handle to cope with it and write this.


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