Storytime for Grownups Anthology

A very sympathetic initiative of poet and editor Jacqueline Belle, this anthology of work written by members of the #writingcommunity / #writerscommunity *. The stories and poems of the chosen writers are being alternated by poems of the editor herself. The result is a very enjoyable book. It was a pleasure to read it. (Not just because there are two pieces of my hand included!)

* Contains work by:


Jane Jago

Sallie Moffitt

Bella Rayne

W.Rix Victory lll 

Margaret Lindsay Holton

Duncan Walters

Barbara Avon

Kathleen Cranidge

Cheryl Burman

Albert van der Steeg

Melony Teague

David DeWinter

Julie Kusma

Val Ormrod

Jill Yoder

Karen Honnor

Carol Sheppard

Jon Hart

Melinda Lucas

Doug Stuber

Stoney deGeyter

Duncan Wilson

G.Quinn Rogers

3Mind Blight

and of course editor and poet Jacqueline Belle


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