Behind the Scenes at the Museum - Kate Atkinson

The debut of Kate Atkinson is certainly worth the 5 stars I am giving.

It is the history of Ruby Lennox and all of her family. There are a lot characters and all are coming to life in front of our eyes. Almost at the end of the book the writer gives Ruby the great words that describe life like I know it, like I see it and I think a lot of people will agree "...words are the only things that can construct a world that makes sense". 

The book shows something that I know is fully true, it's not only your nature that shapes a person, it's also where you are born and have been living and certainly the history of your parents and all who came before them.

I had to get used to the structure Kate Atkinson is using, normal chapters alternated with "footnotes". Be certain that without them the "sense" in the being of the characters would be lacking structure. 

For some time I thought this book was a sort of beginning of an evolution of growing into the writer who wrote "Life after Life" and "A God in Ruins", but I would not be giving it the respect it deserves. This book is so rich and vibrant that it is far more than that. It is a great book and I can recommend it whole heartedly.

I do regret I had to read this edition: the font in which it has been printed is absolutely horrible. So if you want to read it, try to get another edition.


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