Black Out - Ragnar Jonasson

The contents of this book play out in the time after Snowblind.

Again it is a pity that there are several little mistakes in the text. You would expect any editor to have seen these. It takes away my wish to give the book 5 stars.

There is a red thread in the books: the relationship between main character Ari Thor and his fiance Kristin. It causes Ari Thor to do certain things in a certain way.
I will not give away any of the things that happen in the book.
Like all human behaviour has it's origin in specific causes according to the books. Action and reaction.
That is why the writer lets us read about the thinking of all the characters that make their appearance.
There is logic in this and he does it consistently.

All in all this was - again - an easy and pleasant read. I certainly will read more books in this series.


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