Michelle Torez - Poems About Love And Other Dangerous Things

Just finished the book and I need to express my feelings about it. It is not a book for people who like flowery words and romantic stories. It is raw and direct. For full disclosure, I was sent a copy of this book by the author for a fair and honest review. After receiving it and having a quick look, it seemed quite dark and gloomy. When I picked it up again and started reading, I had the idea of reading a little bit every following day. My plan didn't work, I just had to read on. The book consists of poetry, art work made by the author herself which emphasises the meaning of the words and a few more or less short pieces of prose which describes moods and situations. I am not an expert on poetry, but do know a bit about structure. Michelle Torez uses interrupted rhyme for her verses, which vary in length. But poetry is more about feeling than structure to me. I felt the fear of letting oneself in for relations. In doing so you need to let go of protecting walls, making yourself vu...